Tracking climate progress | Exponential View

Roschetzky Photography/Shutterstock

The way we deal with climate change has evolved throughout time. This shift signifies a shift in society’s approach to climate change and environmental catastrophe. It indicates we’ve reached the point when we can no longer convince ourselves that this is true. And we’ve moved on from expecting an improvement to come our way. Rather, we can see a genuine, palpable change taking place, as well as the creation of a portfolio of potential solutions to this problem. That isn’t to say the road is over (it isn’t and never will be), nor does it imply we have all the answers. However, it does imply that the tone, or color, of the conversation, might change. To address this, we’re planning to update the way Exponential View tells the tale of our climate future so that it includes both growing CO2 levels and positive signs that show some improvement. 



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