AI suggested 40,000 new possible chemical weapons in just six hours | TheVerge

Shutterstock / Contributor 80's Child

Open-source toxicological datasets have the potential to expose real-world chemical hazards.

A drug-discovering AI created 40,000 potentially dangerous compounds in less than six hours. Several compounds resembled VX, the most potent nerve toxin ever made. VX paralyzes your lungs by immobilizing your diaphragm or lung muscles. The North Korean leader’s half-brother, Kim Jong-Nam, was assassinated in Malaysia after being poisoned with VX nerve toxin. Someone could easily mimic what we accomplished.

Not only for VX but for almost any other open-source toxicity dataset available. If someone were to put this together without any knowledge of chemistry, they would end up with unusable material. There are still some significant jumps between what the AI generates and transforming it into a real-world danger.



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