Quick Study: Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Bias | Information Week

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The ethics of artificial intelligence is a developing issue that CIOs must address by considering the human worth of their robots. 

Quick Study contains several InformationWeek articles on AI ethics and prejudice. There are approaches to building and deploying AI ethically, but they need careful consideration of how your business will use AI. What are excellent and poor ethical strategies? AI specialists and companies that have achieved success with AI provide guidance. How can we restore the magic to AI? 

Examine these articles to learn why corporations need an AI ethical approach. According to PwC, CIOs must implement mechanisms to infuse ethics into their AI systems. A board of ethics is one approach to guarantee that these ideals are included in product development, and internal data use. IT teams must collaborate with managers who supervise data scientists, engineers, and analysts to provide intervention points to supplement model ensemble methodologies. 

Source: https://www.informationweek.com/big-data/quick-study-artificial-intelligence-ethics-and-bias  


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