DARPA’s plan to use drones to find drones | C4ISRET


The US military has been developing counter-drone systems to defeat small unmanned aircraft systems. But to be able to work, they must see the drones first, which can be challenging in open areas and is even harder in cities. With this, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is planning to launch an Aerial Dragnet program to help the military find the drones. Specifically, DARPA will be using sensors mounted on drones to detect, classify and track small drones in dense, urban environments.

Source: https://www.c4isrnet.com/show-reporter/c4isrnet-conference/2021/04/22/darpas-plan-to-use-drones-to-find-drones/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=EBB%2004.23.21&utm_term=Editorial%20-%20Early%20Bird%20Brief


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