Why Hackers Attack ICS Products and How to Stop Them | Automation.com

According to a Claroty analysis, the vulnerability detected in Industrial Control System (ICS) products in 2020 rose by 25% from 2019 and 33% from 2018. Hackers can use around 70% of these weaknesses to gain unauthorized access to systems. The pandemic’s worldwide volatility and expansion in remote labor have contributed to the increased importance of ICS cybersecurity challenges. Phishing attempts and spam campaigns, in particular, are growing more widespread. Hackers typically attempt to get access to ICS systems for political or commercial gain. Politically motivated hacking attempts are typically associated with cyber warfare between two nation-states.

Source: https://www.automation.com/en-us/articles/june-2021/why-hackers-attack-ics-products-how-stop-them?listname=Automation%20&%20Control%20News%20&%20Articles


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