The information technology counter-revolution: cheap, disposable, and decentralized | War on the Rocks

Photo by Luca Bravo found on Unsplash

Three decades ago, a group of defense experts predicted the information revolution would change military capabilities forever. They were correct. However, three decades later, it is time for the US military to focus on the future rather than trying to dominate 1990s-era information warfare. According to information technology revolution in military affairs (IT-RMA) enthusiasts, sensor systems, data processing centers, and digital communication would give America the speed and decision-making advantage it needs. However, the US military never completely fulfilled the IT-RMA, and the revolution-reaction loop has since moved on. It would be a catastrophe for the US just to strengthen its commitment to integrate the IT-RMA fully. Instead, if the US wants to reclaim its military superiority in the post-IT-RMA era, it will require a new paradigm of success. With this in mind, the military should concentrate on constructing decentralized systems, investing in strategies that reduce the economic cost of conflict. 



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