When robots screw up, how can they regain human trust? | ARS Technica

By charles taylor / Shutterstock

A new study reveals strategies for robots to redeem themselves in the workplace. 

It’s not always simple to achieve workplace harmony between humans and robots. Aside from the widespread concern of robots stealing human employment, robots can sometimes make mistakes. When this happens, it might be difficult to rebuild confidence between robots and their human coworkers. New research, on the other hand, gives some light on how robot workers can reestablish trust. According to Lionel Robert, an associate professor at the University of Michigan’s School of Information, the study reveals that humans are more likely to believe a robot that makes a mistake if it appears to be human and offers some kind of explanation. 

Source: https://arstechnica.com/science/2021/08/when-robots-screw-up-how-can-they-regain-human-trust/ 


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