Machine Learning

Injecting fairness into machine-learning models | MIT

MIT researchers have found that machine-learning models that are popular for image recognition tasks actually encode bias when trained on unbalanced data. The solution they developed not only leads to models that make more balanced predictions, but also improves their performance on downstream tasks like facial recognition and animal species classification. 


Machine Learning

How to Help Humans Understand Robots | Neuroscience News

Scientists have theories of how humans learn concepts from a robot’s perspective. MIT and Harvard researchers apply these theories to challenges in human-robot interaction. The results show how the theories can help humans form conceptual models of robots more quickly, accurately, and flexibly. 


Space Force

The US Space Force plans to start patrolling the area around the Moon | ARSTechnica

The Air Force Research Laboratory is extending that range by 10 times and the operations area of the United States by 1,000 times. The US military plans to extend its space awareness capabilities beyond geostationary orbit. The satellite will be called the Cislunar Highway Patrol System or CHPS. The CHPS program will be managed by Michael Lopez of the Air Force Research Laboratory.  
