Cyber Security

New malware steals Steam, Epic Games Store, and EA Origin accounts | Bleeping Computer

Threat actors are using computer viruses marketed on dark websites to hijack accounts for several gaming platforms, including Steam, Epic Games Store, and EA Origin. BloodyStealer is a new trojan discovered by Kaspersky security researchers in March that is capable of gathering and acquiring a huge spectrum of confidential material, including cookies, credentials, bank cards, and transactions from numerous applications. This malware is specifically designed to target gaming platforms such as Steam, Epic Games, EA Origin, GOG Galaxy, and others in order to capture accounts for its operators, who then sell them on underground marketplaces. 


Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence: 5 Eye-opening Facts to Help You Understand it Better | TechCity

Our minds instinctively conjure up pictures of robots when we hear the term Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI does not only take the shape of robots; it can also take the form of speech sensors, visual analyzers, intelligent assistants, and other similar devices. Even though we pretend to understand what artificial intelligence is, we don’t really comprehend how our lives are increasingly becoming reliant on it. Artificial Intelligence has evolved into a means of reducing time and resource use. AI continues to do mind-blowing achievements that are even greater than the humans who create them, raising the intriguing question of when humans will cease to be the most intelligent species on the planet. 
