
Georgetown Professor Discusses Consequences Of Drone Warfare In Afghanistan | Iowa Public Radio

Is the phrase “beyond the horizon” a metaphor for drone strikes? Not necessarily, according to Rosa Brooks, a Georgetown University law and policy expert. It refers to the ability to wield force over a long distance. As a result, it has less to do with a certain technology and more to do with distance and geographical notions. An over-the-horizon capacity might be anything from drone strikes fired from thousands of miles away to a special operations raid in which individuals are snuck in across borders, as well as advice and training provided remotely or at a distance. 


Cyber Security

Office 365 to let admins block Active Content on Trusted Docs | Bleeping Computer

End-users will be unable to disregard institution-wide policies set up to block active content on Trusted Documents, according to Microsoft. Trusted docs, according to Redmond, are files that open without warnings when active content has been enabled (e.g., ActiveX controls, macros, and Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) routines that don’t require user intervention). Trusted documents will open without prompting even if new (potentially malicious) active content is added, bypassing Office’s Protected View, which opens documents from possibly dangerous areas as read-only. 


Artificial Intelligence

Facebook apology as AI labels black men ‘primates’ | BBC

An artificial intelligence recommendation system asked Facebook users who saw a newspaper video showcasing black males if they wanted to “keep viewing videos about primates.” It’s the latest in a long line of gaffes that have sparked worries about AI’s potential racial biases. Google’s Photos software labeled photographs of black individuals as “gorillas” in 2015. In 2020, Facebook announced a new “inclusive product council” -as well as a new equity team in Instagram that would look at whether its algorithms were biased against people of color. 
